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Special machining situations require individual solutions. That can save costs and ensures that time targets are observed – that is our understanding of efficiency.

Drilling/counterboring combination Standard drilling/counterboring combination Axially adjustable countersink cutter with ALMÜ-Flex system A tool for processing the hydraulic connections of a car steering

The drilling/counterboring combination is a modular tool system, and is most often used when using a solid carbide tool is not economical. Such tools are preferred for processes when, for instance, the aim is to deal with vast differences in diameters. Its major trump is that at least two functional surfaces can be created in one go. That means saving valuable time, as well as conspicuous quality improvements.

With our ALMÜ-Flex system, the cutters of the central tool can be adjusted in respect to each other. Apart from well-established coatings, you can also order our PCD-equipped plates.

ALMÜ Präzisionswerkzeug GmbH | P +49-7164-9416-0 | F +49-7164-9416-9 | info [at]

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