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Monobloc-designed PCD tools are perfect thanks to their running smoothness and their exact rotation. These advantages are reached by the stiffness of the tool design.
ALMÜ’s specially designed tools always fit like a tailor-made suit. Of course, our technological expertise and advice play an important role – from planning to production.
For our customers, handling monobloc tools is incredibly simple, as you don’t have to adjust the cutters manually. The machining conditions such as spindle and tool tension always have to be taken into account. As we produce individual tools for your individual machining station, we can, of course, provide you with all the necessary cutting parameters. Thus, our customers always end up with perfect solutions.
ALMÜ Präzisionswerkzeug GmbH | P +49-7164-9416-0 | F +49-7164-9416-9 | info [at]
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